Procrastination is a common problem that adults and teenagers experience. Many high school, college, and working adults struggle to function without procrastinating tasks and deadlines. The first step is to become aware that procrastination is affecting your ability to work.

Procrastination is defined as the action of delaying or postponing something. Sometimes procrastination comes out of fear, the need to be perfect, or it can come from being burnt out and not enjoying the work you are doing. In business, this can be detrimental to the functioning of your team. Here are some tips to help overcome procrastination and avoid work.
1- Become Aware
As previously stated, becoming aware of the fact that procrastination is taking over is the first step. Lots of people get tired and don’t want to work at certain points in time, but true procrastination is putting off tasks for extended periods of time and it is hard to push away even after taking a break.
Understanding the reason why you are procrastinating can help see what function is serving. Not understanding the root of the problem makes it hard to find an effective solution. Knowing the root of your procrastination can help make it easier to stop.
2- Prioritize
Ranking tasks by order of importance can help you accomplish more. Making a list of what needs to be completed by the end of the week can help you visualize what your week should look like. Getting the hard stuff out of the way first can make it seem more manageable and will keep you from rushing.
Leaving small tasks to the end of the day or the week can help you still be productive when your brain starts to shut down naturally.
3- Set Deadlines
Setting clear deadlines forces you to get stuff done. We often fall victim to pushing it off and saying “I’ll do it eventually,” and then it ends up never getting done. Aiming to have things done even a few days in advance can help you have extra time if needed and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

4- Reward Yourself
Everyone loves being rewarded, so once you complete a task, give yourself a small reward. Something small can be getting up and taking a walk, or eating something that fuels your body.
For completing bigger tasks or projects, you may want to reward yourself with a vacation or a night out to reset your battery. This can make it easier to avoid procrastination in the future because your brain will know that there is a reward for being productive.
5- Practice Time Management
Finding better ways to manage your time can help avoid procrastination. Time management can be tricky to navigate, but setting good habits can improve the quality of work you produce.
Time management works to help you get tasks done, and get them done well. Multitasking might seem like it helps you to get more done but in reality, it can lower the quality of your work and make it harder to fully finish tasks.
6- Notice Self Talk
Self-talk and self-thinking can largely impact how you look at your work. Improve your self-talk by thinking about your goals and priorities. Replace counter-intuitive habits and self-talk with learning and affirmations.
7- Reduce The Number Of Decisions
Making decisions takes a lot of us. Questions lead us to want answers and make decisions. This drains our self-control and makes us more tired. Making decisions early on or reducing the amount you make in a work day gives you more energy.

8- Focus On The Doable
Shifting your focus to something that seems doable makes it easier to complete more tasks. Focusing on how the completion of the project will make you feel rather than how much you dread doing it can be a big motivator.
Wasatch ActionCOACH
Working with a business coach can help improve all aspects of your business. We can help you implement procrastination techniques, time management skills, and more. Wasatch ActionCOACH can help you learn more about what works and what doesn’t.
Make your dreams a reality in your business. We will help you to utilize the tools you already have and hold you accountable. Working with us will increase your business and your customer base. Contact us today to work with our highly skilled coaches.