by Coach Frank Bonnin
At Wasatch ActionCOACH we coach clients on how to set goals and achieve them. One of the first things we do with new clients is taking them through what we call an Alignment. And with that we make sure what a person wants in their life is lined up with what the business is going to produce for them. Because if what they want does not match what the business is able to produce, then they will never get what they want from the business. Once we make sure those things are in line, we identify what the vision of the business needs to be.
One of the things ActionCOACH founder Brad Sugars says is when you tell people your vision, if at least some of them don’t laugh at you, maybe your vision isn’t big enough! What impact do you want to have on the world? If you are going to spend your life creating a company that can be impactful to your community or larger, then identify that. Make that your vision, your long-term plan.

Once we identify that we focus on how you are going to get there. What is your 5-year goal? What is the 1-year goal necessary to get to the 5-year goal? People vastly overestimate what they can do in 1 year, but vastly underestimate what they can do in 5 years.
Then we look at it more closely. What is your 90-Day goal? That’s just one quarter. What is going to happen within the next 3 months that will push you towards your 1-year goal? Within each quarter there are 13 weeks. We identify what you have to do every week along that 13-week path in order to achieve that 90-day goal, which will bring you closer to your 1-year goal, which will bring you in line with your 5-year goal and ultimately take you to your vision.
Each week as a client of Wasatch ActionCOACH, we’re going to meet and say, “You said you needed to do these things in order to get what you wanted. Did you do these things? If not, why didn’t you do that? Are you going to do that this week? Because now you must do this week and last week’s tasks. You have even more things to get done. We hold clients accountable, not to what we want them to do, but to what they want in their life. What they have identified as important. What they have said they need to do in order to achieve their goals.
That is how we coach clients and teach them how to set goals and achieve them, getting what they want out of their business and life. We can do the same for you!
Give us a call at our Kaysville offices. (801) 682-8685. -OR- Book a Discovery Call.