When businesses advertise and market to customers, they target a specific audience. The more specific they can get, the more likely it is that they will reach their target audience. However, when people advertise a job opening and want to find the best job candidates, they can sometimes revert back to the best practices of the 1990’s. To find the best job candidates back then, you simply wrote a 3-sentence classified ad. The shorter the ad the better because it was cheaper in the newspaper. And is that how you find the best job candidates and best employees? NO! That’s not how you find them.
To find the best job candidates and ultimately the best employees for your team, treat the job advertising like you do when you are targeting clients or customers for your business. Identify who you are looking for and be very specific about your target audience.
One method to help find the best job candidates is to use personality profiling such as DISC personality assessments. The DISC personality profile is a system designed by the American Psychologist Dr. William Moulton Marsden. It places people into one of four different personality types; D – Dominant, I – Influential, S – Steady and C – Compliant.
The DISC personality profile is an accurate personality analysis that can be used to predict the behavior of individuals when they work on their own and with others. It can help you to place the right person in your business, working in an environment that suits both you and them. Each of the personality types is good at certain types of jobs, but not so good at others.
When you have a job opening, take time to identify the personality that will best fit with the role and tasks of that job. For instance, if you are looking for a salesperson, you are not going to want an introverted ‘S’ who prefers to sit in the corner working by themselves. If you want a salesperson, you want an extroverted person who likes talking to people, such as the outgoing ‘I’. Therefore, in the ad you run, you want to use words that resonate with the personality type you are looking for. So, if you are looking for an influencer who likes to be out there meeting people, selling and talking a lot, your job ad should reference these things. For instance…
“Do you really enjoy meeting and talking with new people? If you like that, then you should talk to us because we have the right job for you!”
“Do you want to sell a product with integrity? In our company integrity comes first.”
Put thought into what words will attract the best job candidate’s attention and resonate with their personality. This will help your ads to be more successful and will help you find the best employees.
Blog by Coach Frank Bonnin
**** For more information on how to utilize DISC profiles for your existing team (or recruiting new team members), download our DISC Profile Overview here: https://wasatch.actioncoach.com/disc-overview