Expressing gratitude and focusing on the positives can make you a more likable person, but did you know that gratitude can help improve your business? The power of gratitude can help improve your relationship with your employees, show your customers you are open to growth, and bring more positivity to the corporate world.
Wasatch ActionCOACH business coaches have included some of the benefits of leveraging gratitude and how to implement it inside your business.
Gratitude Negates Negativity
One of the biggest benefits for your business is that sharing gratitude and celebrating wins, negates negativity. When your business or office feels negative, it can be hard to feel motivated to work or to implement new practices. Using gratitude can help boost morale in your office and give employees something positive to reflect back on.
While removing negativity completely may not be possible, working to provide positive reinforcement, showing praise to employees, and being a grateful person in all areas of your life can help improve the atmosphere and encourage employees to follow in your footsteps.
Lead By Example
Employees will look up to and reflect the attitudes of the higher-ups in the business. HR can look to hire already grateful and positive managers and leaders to help leverage the power of gratitude from the beginning.
If you are in a leadership position, you can start now to improve your gratitude. When people in power express appreciation and carry themselves well, naturally others will feel more comfortable. There are many courses and blogs that can help you improve your gratitude, but below are a few ways to leverage the power of gratitude in your business.

Be Grateful For The Person, Not Just The Output
While giving employee praise is important, it is more important to be grateful for their presence and the talents they bring, rather than just what output they give to your business. Complementing people on their personality and other talents besides ones that are relevant to their work is a great way to ensure that your gratitude is seen as sincere. Some examples include complimenting their critical thinking skills, how they interact with co-workers, their sense of humor, or their creative outfits.
Be Grateful For Everything, Big Or Small
It may seem easier to be grateful for large successes and accomplishments that gain you more sales, but being grateful for even small victories or steps in the right direction is important to showing sincere gratitude. The power of gratitude really only works when employees see you as sincere and genuine. When you genuinely care about all the positive aspects that your employees are contributing, it will not be hard to express it.
Small wins add up and compound to make your business more well-rounded. The power of gratitude will help increase the number of small milestones that will lead to bigger milestones.
Address The Worries About Expressing Gratitude At Work
Some employees or even managers may have reservations about expressing themselves or giving people praise at work. It is best to discuss these openly and sooner rather than later if you really want to leverage the power of gratitude.
Traditional values of employees providing labor and bosses providing compensation and not sharing any type of emotion at work are fading out. Employees may worry about sharing too much or overstepping what is an appropriate work relationship. Expressing sincere gratitude should not be seen as awkward or unnecessary.

Studies have shown that 35% of people believe that expressing gratitude at work could lead people to take advantage of them. Gratitude helps to promote collaboration and productivity, so it is worth the initial awkwardness of giving a compliment.
Business Techniques With Wasatch ActionCOACH
If you are looking to leverage the power of gratitude or improve your leadership skills, our team at Wasatch ActionCOACH has the tools to help. Our business coaches are passionate about improving the functioning of many businesses along the Wasatch Front. We offer many resources outside of coaching as well to help leaders, business owners, and even employees improve their workplace. Check out our blog or our videos for quick answers and comprehensive information.