Speaking to other business owners, leaders, or corporate workers can help you score some success. Networking is important for helping your business stay afloat, getting a job after schooling, and making great friends. Our business coaches want to help clients network effectively and gain new perspectives. Below are some of the best tips to network and build the number of people in your corner.
1- Come With A Goal In Mind
Going to a networking event can be daunting with the number of people that are there and the pressure to speak to the right people. If you go into a career event or networking event with a specific goal in mind, you will have a better idea of who to talk to and what to say.
Maybe your goal is to get 10 new leads or to find a connection that can teach you a new skill. Having a specific goal and even a written plan will make the conversations go smoother.
2- Have Ice Breakers In Your Back Pocket
Starting a conversation can often be the hardest part, so having conversation starters or icebreakers prepared can help curb some anxiety you may have. Conversation starters like “What do you do for work?” or “What drew you to this event?” can get the conversation flowing and show the other person that you are interested in more than just adding people to your list of connections.
3- Look For Someone More Experienced
The best thing to get out of a networking event is finding someone in your field with more experience. Talking to someone with more experience can provide you with new perspectives, and ideas to elevate your skills, or give you an in at your dream company. Someone with more experience may seem intimidating, but working up the courage to speak with them will make them feel good and give you the tools you may need.
4- Don’t Forget To Listen
When asking questions, even if you don’t get the answer you expected, active listening can still help you. Active listening means listening to the answer and digesting it, instead of just listening to formulate your answer back.

When someone truly listens to our advice and takes it to heart, we gain a self-confidence boost. Listening to a higher-up and taking their advice will give them a great first impression of you. This is a great way to network effectively and potentially score you a job.
5- Hold Firm On What You Want
If you have set a goal before a networking event, you need to stick to it and speak to people who are willing to help you. Speaking with people who are not going to listen to you or seem interested in helping you, don’t lower your standards. If you want to network effectively, hold true to your standards, your dreams, and your self-esteem.
6- Utilize Online Connections
With LinkedIn and other social media being in high demand for business, don’t forget the tools you have at your fingertips. Sharing social media handles with a connection can make your relationship deeper and more personal. Social media for your personal use or business can be shared to increase people that see your content. When you network effectively, provide a business card with your company’s social media or LinkedIn profile, as well as other contact information.
LinkedIn is also a great way to gain connections without physically going to a networking event. You can find recommended people through your current connections, connect with people in your current company, or ask people to connect you with others they think would be helpful for you.
7- Stay In Touch
A network connection is all for naught if you don’t connect outside of the event or stay in touch with them. Using a connection just to get what you want is kind of rude, so even if the connection is purely business related, staying connected with them on social media, reaching out to see how they are doing, or helping them celebrate their accomplishments is a great way to keep that connection alive.

Network With Wasatch ActionCOACH
Working with our team at Wasatch ActionCOACH gives you access to networking resources, peer groups, and 1-on-1 business coaching. Each of our business coaches has extensive business experience and wants to give you relevant advice. Serving businesses along the Wasatch Front is our passion, and working with us will set your business apart from the competition. Contact us to get started today, or check out our educational videos on our website.