by Coach Sterling Broadhead
Time Mastery is essential for business success. One of our clients is an insurance agent who is busy with lots of work but he’s also trying to drum up more business. Time Mastery is a big challenge for him. He’s trying to figure out… How do I prioritize my day? How do I make sure the things that I need to get done are getting done? How do I then also grow the business?
One of the videos that we share with clients by Brad Sugars, founder of ActionCOACH, is on Time Mastery. A phrase that Brad uses is that Time Mastery is really Self Mastery. That really resonated with this client because he realized there is only so much time to manage throughout the day. He thought, if I can start to figure out skills and habits and master myself, then this is going to work better.
Time Mastery Begins With An Action List

There are a couple things that we challenge our clients with and one of those is developing an Action List. Brad recommends creating this list at the end of each day. Essentially you list all the must do’s all the should do’s, potentially some things you can delegate, and then some things that you may end up not really needing to do. By creating this Action List at the end of the day, it activates your R.A.S. – your reticular activating system.
That means throughout the night and before you start the next day, your subconscious will already be thinking: How do I knock these out? What problem solving techniques do I need to incorporate to work on my Action List? This is one thing that is a challenge for all our clients, and also for me. If we do this self-mastery, we just have to chip away at it day after day and try to make this habit work. Because it is not always easy! You can schedule a time when you are going to be writing your Action List and something may come up that distracts you. But it is key for Time Mastery.
Create A Default Calendar
Once they get an Action List strategy down, another thing we challenge our clients to do is what is called a default diary or a default calendar. This is where you look at your entire week and you start blocking out sections of the day to accomplish certain activities. Because let’s face it, email and text alerts chime and distract us. If you schedule specific times for checking email, voicemail, or social media and you mute it the rest of your day, that will help you stick to the priorities that you scheduled. Make a list of how you are currently spending your time and identify those activities that are time wasters. Then you can start to really drill down and master these principles.
I am big into fitness and this is similar to a strategy for regularly working out. When you first start to work out, it is challenging and you are less likely to want to continue because it is uncomfortable and you do not enjoy it yet. However, it takes consistency for it to turn into a regular practice that you not only enjoy, but it becomes essential to your day. Start to develop these Time Mastery skills and they will become an essential part of your day, helping you achieve your goals faster!
**** To download your own Default Calendar, click here:
Reach Out To Us At Wasatch Action Coach To Learn More
Are you looking for more Time Mastery tips? Are you looking for ways to improve your business and your everyday life? Look no further than to us at Wasatch Action Coach. Reach out to us today for more information.